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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wow, alot has happened this past year!

Its amazing what life brings in a year. We were just remembering that a year ago today we were on our long trek towards Tucson!! Was fun to take some time this afternoon to look over my blog posts (memories) over the year. Many changes.. many fun times... many experiences that we won't forget...many new friends made... kids have grown alot...a learning year!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Its 54 degrees out!! Good day for a walk.

Scott is in New York right now, so the kids and I decided we HAD to do something outside today because it was so beautiful. Was nice enough to walk along the water in just sweatshirts :) This is what Lake Huron looks like right now.

The lighthouse in the winter

Silly Kids!!

Trying to break up the ice.

Our Snow Fort!!

There wasn't any snow banks at all this year, so I helped the kids make their fort this way.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Its a beautiful day in Michigan!

Enjoying my day off and getting caught up on some things. Loving the signs of spring here, the sun is shining bright, water is dripping off the roof and down the driveway, the birds are singing loudly - beautiful!!

We usually are very healthy, but the last few weeks have been a little crazy! Starting with Scott's visit to the ER, and finding his kidney stone, to me with the achy flu, to Kylee and I with strept throat, to Devons strange rash on his face... enough dr's for a while! Scott did pass his kidney stone a few days ago, so he's glad thats over with. We sent it into the lab, and they will tell us what in his diet could be causing it so we can try to prevent any future ones.

Scott found out today that he is to go on a road-trip for work to JFK airport. He will leave on Sunday, for however long it takes to finish the job. He is kinda glad as it has been so slow at work the last few weeks, he is tired of looking busy, but with nothing to do, just cleaning and re-cleaning, or organizing shelves etc. It will be a couple of more weeks before they will have a plane to work on. No talks of layoffs this time, so thats good!

The kids have the last week of March off for Spring Break, so we will have to do something special, but just not sure what yet. Makes it a little harder to go somewhere with me working out of the house now. But hopefully we can work something out. School is going well for both kids - hard to believe there is only a couple more months left. Kylee asks alot how much longer til she goes to Kindergarden, and can't wait. That will be a huge change for me to have them both gone all day, every day. I think I will get lonesome!

Not much new with the border patrol thing, except we have learned that it probably won't be before the end of the year. They are changing the order they are doing the hiring with a whole bunch of things in the factor now, not just the date that you pass all the hiring steps, so between that and the decrease in positions available due to cutbacks, it will be a long time yet. I guess the easiest way to deal with it, for me anyways, is try not to stress about it too much, and know that if its meant to be it will happen at the right time, if not, it won't :) We need to plan a trip down to New Mexico and pick up our stuff that we have in a storage unit down there pretty soon. We left most of the stuff we had in Arizona there, thinking we would be back down way before summer for the academy for the border patrol. We left all the summer clothes and bikes, rollerblades etc. down there, and spring will be here soon!

Work is going well for me. I do enjoy the challenge, and it feels good to get out of the house a little. The dr. is a great person to work for, and so glad that she is willing to work with my shedule, taking Kylee with me etc. I know I will never find another situation like this! It will really be nice in the summer, won't have to think about daycare etc. I can bring both kids with me!

Looking forward to having a garden this summer. I picked up my tomato seeds this week and the starter pots for them. I have 44, so if they all grow, I will have lots of tomatoes again!! We really did like the spegetti sauce and salsa I made 2 years ago, so planning to do that again. Scott will have to re-til up the garden, as when we were gone last summer, it totally grew in and you can't even tell there was a garden there! He just cut down two trees that were shading the garden a little, so hopefully that will help the garden a little.

Whew, I guess thats all the news :)