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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kylees Birthday Snack at Preschool

Kylee wanted something Dora as well for her school b-day snack, so I made cookies. The icing was too runny, and didn't turn out like I wanted, but the kids loved them, so I guess thats all that mattered.

She wanted to put a birthday "pretty" in her hair, so I told her to go pick one. This is what she came back with :) Its a gift bow - not what I was thinking, but that's ok. So thats how she went to school.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kylee's "Dora the Explorer" 5th Birthday Party

I'm the Map, I'm the Map. I'm the Map!! Kylee's turning 5, and I can show you to her door. I'm the MAP!!
Through Harrisville, Past the Water Wheel Pond, To Kylees Fiesta!
Come On Everybody! Lets go! To Kylee the Explorer's Birthday Adventure!
Please join us for an exciting Birthday fiesta! Friday January the 22nd at 6:00 pm at Kylee’s house. Please RSVP so Swiper the Fox doesn’t swipe your spot at the party!

My baby is growing up!!

The 7 little Adventurer's BackPacks with The Map

Oh, Oh, only 5 Adventurers showed up (one too young to sit at this table), so Swiper the Fox Must have swiped 2 spots! :)

The helpers - putting together the doll change table and highchair that Kylee got

Playing "Pin the boot on Boots"

Friday, January 15, 2010

A new barber in the neighborhood???

Our Snow Family

We are finally getting some warmer weather - perfect for making snowmen, so the kids and I made a family. Devon did help, but went in before I got the idea to take a picture and didn't want to come back out to get in it.
Funny thing happened though - Sammy, our beagle, was with us the whole time we were making them. Then when we let him out last night after dark for a potty break, he started howling at the snow family. When we got up in the morning, two of them were knocked over and he had the hats and scarves strewn all over the yard. Sure must have scared him :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Devons creative side

Wish I had taken pictures of all the things he has made, but this has been a real fun thing for Devon. A box of 1000 popsicle sticks and a mini hot glue gun. These are a couple of his airplanes. He has made many things, a bow and arrow, a few guns that looked very realistic, a log cabin... Not sure where they are (maybe got broken) or I would include them too. Very creative!!