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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Skilbred Photos

Good time to get pictures when we are all together. It doesn't happen too often.

All the cousins, except one. We are missing Kayla.

Cousin Time in Wisconsin

As always, the cousins have a great time when they get together.

In Memory of George Skilbred (Grandpa/Dad)

We will miss you Grandpa/Dad. You left us a good stable example to follow.

Making Cookies at the Flour Garden

And again another field trip. The preschool went to the local restaurant, and decorated cookies and drank hot chocolate. Was fun to watch that as much icing went onto the cookies, went into some of their tummys :)

Kylees creations.

Christmas Program at Preschool

Field Trip time again! Kylees preschool went to the local nursing home and sang a few Christmas Carols for the old folks. Fun times!

Shaking bells and singing Jingle Bells

"Up on the Housetop"

Interesting Bees Nest

Scott found this bees nest up in our attic. It was very cold up there, so the bees were hibernating. Was fun to pull it apart and check it out. It stunk really bad though!! The top layers were tissue paper thin, the inside was so hard you couldn't cut through it!

Our First Winter Storm

We have been very lucky so far this winter. We only had a few flurries in the air until about the middle of December. This was our first snow. Wasn't alot of snow, but it was the heavy wet kind and was beautiful!! The poor trees were weighted to the ground! We did have a few break right off. I actually had to shake the one branch off to get my truck out that day.

Christmas Tree for the Preschool

Another field trip day. Kylee's class went to a local Christmas Tree Farm to pick out a tree for the preschool. They then made crafts to decorate the tree.

Wow, Its time to catch up!!

I guess it must have been a busy month! I was reminded yesterday by someone who frequently checks my blog, that there has been nothing new for a while (smile), so its time!!!

We have just had wonderful visits and special meeting last night. Glad for the reminder again of whats most important and to spend our time on those things and have a deep hunger for those things and do them with love and with the right spirit. Everything else all ends with death.

The next few posts will summarize what happened in the last month.

Hope everyone has a healthy, happy 2010!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A couple of house pictures

Amazing what a little stain or paint and a little TLC will do!! Will post more of the inside later, as we get the rooms done. The kitchen is all done, except I need to paint the ceiling, and we need to get a light fixture. The first pictures were taken the day we bought the house. I enjoy painting, so I could see the possiblities :)