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Monday, October 26, 2009

Family Pictures

Kids Fall Pictures

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My crazy kids :)

This is what I woke up to, after trying to catch an extra hour of sleep Saturday morning. Its washable marker!! They told me that they each did their own faces in front of the mirror. I asked - "Whatever gave you the idea to do that?" Devon replies that he put a spot on his nose, Kylee thought it was funny, and so it went from there :) Kylee says they were being "hunter men" - wherever they got that I don't know either! I had a hard time trying not to laugh, while correcting them that markers are for paper only. :) Kids sure keep life interesting!!! And funny!!! - sure don't know how I'd keep busy without them :)

Canadian Thanksgiving

We were so happy to be able to be close enough to make it home for the Canadian Thanksgiving! Was nice to see the ones that were able to make it! The kids (as usual) had a blast together.

In "DS WORLD" :)

Happy Birthday to Joel and Uncle Ron

Kylee and Katie - Two peas in a pod!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Its sure been busy lately!

We are pretty much all settled back in our house. Seems like we have gone non-stop since we got back here.

Scott is back to work at Kalitta. He is in a different hanger than he was before, working on 727's this time. He works 7-4 Monday to Friday, which is a schedule that he has never had down there before. He loves that part of it, and we do too :) They were pretty busy when he first started there, but things have slowed right down, and there is not much to do. They are expecting it to get busy again around Thanksgiving time. We are still in waiting for the border patrol, but things could remain that way for a long time. The border patrol is only hiring now to replace people who quit or retire, and seems that there are many in line before him. But we are glad for the time here to work on our house, and get things done outside before the snow comes. Scott also got an email a few days ago, that the border patrol has changed a few things, one being that he will have to take another physical test before he goes to the academy, with about a 1/2 hour physical stuff nonstop - running 1 1/2 miles, situps, pushups, 200 yard dash etc. Seems that they are finding alot of people not ready physically for what needs to be done in the academy, and have to drop out because of that. And if you fail this fitness test, you are out with no chance of retake. So.. Scott is back into the running again :)

I am back to work again - 2 1/2 days a week for the eye dr. At her suggestion, I get to take Kylee with me 2 of those days!! We sure do love and appreciate that option, and it works great as it is in her basement at her house, and Kylee just does what she would do while I am working at home here! Every time we go, we take a few different things for her to do. She does great with it, and loves to tell people that "she goes to work too!!" :) On Thursday, the dr was there with us, and couldn't stop complimenting on how good and quiet Kylee is. Kylee would just smile at her and quietly go back to "work" The other 1/2 day is while Kylee is in preschool.

Devon is loving being back in his old school again. There are only a handful of kids the same as who were in his kindergarden, but he sees them all at lunch time. He seems to be doing very well. This school seems quite a bit behind where he was in Tucson. So far seems like alot of repeat of Kindergarden, and he says his teacher is surprised at how well he can read and spell. So hopefully he doesn't get too bored before they catch up to him. But so far, so good. There are a few changes that I am not too fond of there... teachers laid off, so class sizes are between 35 and 40, no music, no library, no art, no janitor, so teachers are to clean their own classrooms once a week - not good for germ spreading. Hopefully they see soon that the changes aren't good.

And, Kylee is back in the same preschool she was in last year - Tues and Friday mornings. And she loves it too. She was surprised and excited to learn that her teacher is going to have a baby in December, and can't wait. The teacher is a home schooling mom, and brings her kids with her to work in the room beside the preschool room, so she does plan to bring in her baby too. Will be fun for the kids. They are learning about bugs this month. She will be going on a field trip this week to the honey farm, to see and learn about the process of honey-making. I am interested to see this too and plan to go with her.

We are getting a few things done around the house. Scott has the facia and gutters on now, and will start working on the upper deck tomorrow. I am working on getting the back deck railing stained (which is taking forever - lesson learned - I am going to stain the railing for the top deck BEFORE Scott puts it together!!) It has taken a while to get the grass cut and trimmed - it was very long, the leaves all raked up and things looking back to a lived in yard again. But we are getting there. Hopefully we can get the ouside stuff done before the snow comes!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

FREEDOM!! 2 acres and a garage full of tools!!

Yes, the kids were extremely excited to be home again!! The hour home from Tawas was filled with memories from before, seeing landmarkers and buildings that they recognized. They would remember something and would excitedly share the story. Was cute and fun!! Here is a couple of pictures taken within the first 1/2 hour we were home - they went into Scotts tools and found some "new toys"

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Devons Story about our Trip Home

Devon decided on his own that he wanted to write a story. Each chapter is a new day on our trip. He would ask how to spell certain words and we helped him sound them out, but all the rest is his own creation. You may have to click on the letter to bring it in closer if you want to read it. I am going to add it to my scrapbook of our time in Arizona.